Computer Science vs. Coronavirus

February 28, 2021

We at Codefy understand the impact that computer science can have on the world, and so are trying to spread interest and information about this emerging field. The benefits of computer science are clear - it plays a huge role in allowing us to continue our work during these challenging times!


The coronavirus has affected the day-to-day operations of people all around the world. As we wait for its spread to decrease, it’s important to note how much computer science is able to help control its effects. Due to the spread of the virus, we now use computers in most aspects of life, including scheduling online office meetings, continuing with school, and just catching up with friends. 

As well as allowing us to communicate, computer science can also be used to track the spread of coronavirus and plays a part in searching for its cure. Artificial Intelligence is currently being used to predict the spread of coronavirus, speed up diagnosis, find cures, and map its genetic spread. For example, volunteers from all around the world are helping to analyze proteins found in the coronavirus. Folding@home is a supercomputer formed by the network created by thousands of volunteers' home computers. This system could eventually be used to find the cure for coronavirus, as these proteins are able to reveal vulnerabilities that drugs could attack Computer scientists are also using artificial intelligence to predict the next movements of the virus. Scientists at UVA have built a public website that tracks the spread of the virus. This is used  to take extra precautions in areas of high spread, and advises people to stay home based on the frequency of the virus.


The first step in  being able to develop artificial intelligence systems such as these is learning how to code, which involves understanding the basics of computer programming. Codefy helps students from all grades learn how to do so by offering a variety of classes, including Java, Python, and Scratch. By helping future generations of scientists take their first step toward being proficient with computer science, we are encouraging the development of creativity and inspiring young people to tackle the problems created by  coronavirus.  

Works Cited

Pringle, David. “Computer Science versus COVID-19.” Science,

Samarrai, Fariss. “Computer Science Students Build Coronavirus Tracking Website.” UVA Today, 16 Mar. 2020,

Temming, Maria. “You Can Help Fight the Coronavirus. All You Need Is a Computer.” Science News, 13 May 2020,

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